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The museum cannot function without the aid of its devoted volunteers. These individuals come from all backgrounds, from veterans to new Privates, high school students to teachers in training. They assist in all aspects of operating a museum and donate as much or as little time as they like.​
Some of the tasks are listed below - if you are interested in becoming involved with any of them, we would be delighted to work with you. Please download and complete a Volunteer Application Form here.

Working with Visitors
​On days when the museum is open to the general public, it is a combination of staff and volunteers who ensure that the museum is running smoothly and that the visitors are having a great experience. Volunteers answer questions, provide interesting trivia not found in the exhibits, provide activities, operate the gift shop and anything else that can be done to make the experience at the museum memorable.

Tour Guiding
Different than working on the museum floor, tour guiding requires in depth knowledge of the exhibits and a great public speaking presence. Tours range from preschool classes to veterans groups and our knowledgeable and enthusiastic tour guides make each visit special to each group.
Collections Management
Our museum's collection is extensive and continuously growing. New artifacts must be catalogued and preserved for years to come. Projects in artifact research, arranging proper storage, noting important reference material and proper labelling are some current activities going on in the 'back rooms' of the museum.

Odds n' Ends!
The work at the museum is so diverse that categories cannot capture it all! In addition to everything listed above here are some other things that volunteers have helped with: envelope stuffing, airplane model building, putting together display cases, putting together items for the gift shop, painting display cases, typing, proofreading, hanging photos, repairing display cases and, perhaps most memorably, using a hammer to break apart rocks from the Underground Complex.
There is something for everybody!
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